Thursday, January 2, 2014


is already past half-way.

Our Finnish group has been quite active both locally (learning the subjects included in the project programme) and internationally in taking part in the project meetings in Czech Republic, Turkey, Portugal and Greece.  The project, and especially the meetings in other countries have been very interesting for our members.  We have learned a lot about the culture of other partner countries and have enjoyed the
trips and the hospitality of the host organisations very much.  The travels have also inspired us to find out new ways of activity within our group here in Finland.

Reflexology for Mirja in Athens

Finnish group at the European Fair

Miikka, Eero and Tauno on the Acropolis

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We are almost 40 active seniors.  We have a general meeting once a month.. Additionally we arrange different events.  In November we made a tour to Tampere, about 200 km from Kouvola.  We saw a theater performance-  The name of the play was "My heart hurts".  It was a partly humorous story about ageing and the problems with the cervices in health care.  Afterwards we had a lunch and visited an exhibition on Chinese Terra Cotta soldiers from the time of the first Chinese Emperor in 220' s B.C.
Before Christmas there was a Christmas party at a Club House in a museum area in Verla village.
Our group entertained the inhabitants of a sheltered home.  There were Christmas Carols and plays.
At our December meeting rice porridge, Christmas pastries  and coffee were served.   In addition to other points Christmas music was on the agenda.   Meeri and Eira presented  the idea of reflexology, and how it helps.  Other things that we learned in Athens were dealt with at our previous meeting in November.

Lesson on Reflexology 

Rice porridge is a typical food at Christmas

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