Monday, December 16, 2013

Benefits of working out for seniors

In today´s hectic time full of stress and everyday responsibilities, only a few people take time to work out, especially among seniors. Although they often have more free time, many of them simply do not go work out. Whether it is because of feelings like „that’s just not for me anymore…“ and „I´m too old for this…“, or because their doctor simply stops them from working out. It´s a pity, because working out with assistance of qualified trainer can have many benefits for both mental and physical health, we will show some of them:

  • Cardiovascular. Improves indicator of physical fitness (tidal volume, cardiac output), regulates blood pressure, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and heart failure, modifies the representation of fats in the blood serum.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2 (diabetes). It improves the possibility to control blood sugar and response to insulin.
  • Osteoporosis. Reduces bone loss, especially for women after menopause. Reduces the risk of falls and fractures.
  • Arthritis (inflammation of joints). Improves mobility and overall joint function and reduces their pain.
  • Difficulties with urination. In the case of functional difficulties (and the majority of them) in 100% of cases, blurring problems with leakage.
  • Establishment of cancer. Proven to reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, breast, prostate, and rectum. Reduces fatigue.
  • Obesity. Exercise increases metabolism and thus burns more calories. In the long term helps to maintain optimal weight.
  • Neuro-psychological health. Improves quality of sleep. It improves learning ability, especially short-term memory. Anti-depressant. Expand the possibilities of social contacts.
  • Other. Relieves symptoms of difficulties in the development of vascular occlusions. Reduces mortality and morbidity.

We all grow old, against age there is no cure. But how fast we grow old, that depends on us. And also “it is easily done in pair”. So take your friend, or girlfriend and go together to your nearest gym or at least take a walk in the forest.

For more tips for working out, you can check out these links:

(in English)

(in Czech)

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